Categoria Beauty

12 Awesome Nail Art Ideas to Try This Summer out

Raise your less-than-TV-ready hand if you suffer from dry cuticles, hangnails or constant chips in your freshly lacquered manis. That’s what we thought (you can put your hand down now). Since you’ve been so honest, we’ll do the same –…

8 Hair Mistakes You're Probably Making

Big events—birthdays, work presentations, your wedding, someone else’s wedding—usually call for a trip to the salon (or at the very least, a long date with your blow dryer). But sometimes an hour in front of the mirror isn’t enough to…

Sound Cloud Audio Post

Do you often find that you criticize yourself too much? We’re humans and that means we will make a couple of mistakes every now and then. That doesn’t mean you should spend time wishing you had done things differently. Rather…