I parlamentari di Lega e Fdi donano lo stipendio alla sanità

Non solo la Lega. Anche i parlamentari di Fratelli D’Italia devolveranno la loro indennità di marzo per sostenere le necessità dell’emergenza Coronavirus. Il primo ad dare l’annuncio, mercoledì, era stato Matteo Salvini. «Tutti i parlamentari della Lega», aveva scritto su Twitter, «verseranno parte del loro stipendio a sostegno della Sanità, a sostegno degli ospedali italiani … Leggi tutto

Huawei’s Sporty Watch 2 is a Real Winner

I’m a firm believer in the usefulness of smartwatches, but even I can’t deny that the product category is struggling. Despite Apple joining the fray with its first Watch two years ago, wearables still haven’t taken off with mainstream consumers. Google’s latest update to its wrist-based OS just started trickling out to the public, and … Leggi tutto

Jetpack Tiled Gallery Carousel Images

There is no doubt that JetPack packed with tons of features. However, many users don’t want all that monstrous codes in their blog for one or two modules. Also, You should connect your blog to wordpress.com to get the JetPack features. I really like that Tiled Gallery with Full Screen carousel module in JetPack and … Leggi tutto

Awesome Typography Elements

Welcome to image alignment! The best way to demonstrate the ebb and flow of the various image positioning options is to nestle them snuggly among an ocean of words. Grab a paddle and let’s get started. On the topic of alignment, it should be noted that users can choose from the options of None, Left, Right, and Center. In addition, … Leggi tutto

Simple Post with Normal Content

So you joined a new gym. Congrats! Now for the sales pitch: The manager gently suggests (or, err, pushes) you into getting a free training session. Sure, they probably want to rope you into buying a package—but you should absolutely take advantage of this nice perk. That’s because even one session with a personal trainer … Leggi tutto

A Big Featured Image Post Format

Nunc neque risus, sodales in metus ac, porta condimentum diam. In eleifend turpis at lacus vehicula, nec ullamcorper dolor elementum. Proin condimentum in ligula in pharetra. Aliquam erat volutpat. Donec ornare, nibh et pulvinar varius, risus mi interdum turpis, sit amet sodales urna tellus id turpis. Morbi laoreet vulputate nibh, eget dignissim enim. Vivamus porta … Leggi tutto